How to Configure Send as Permissions Exchange 2016

Tej Pratap Shukla | Modified: December 18, 2024 | Exchange Server 2016, General Info | 3 Minutes Reading

The blog will particularly focus on the procedure that explains how to configure Send as Permissions Exchange 2016. Microsoft Exchange Server supports a feature known as “Send as Permissions” that allows another user, different from mailbox owner to send messages after it has been assigned for mailboxes and groups. After this permission is granted, any messages sent from that mailbox/group will appear as they were sent by mailbox owner.

Need to Configure Send as Permissions Exchange 2016

Exchange Server 2016 supports permissions feature that can be assigned for recipients. Some of the permissions are Send as /Send On Behalf permissions or Full Access permissions. As we are only concerned of Send as Permissions, let us learn what exactly it is. It can be defined as the permission that allows delegates to send messages making it seems like it has been sent directly from the mailbox or group. Though the message was sent by delegates, it does not allow delegates to read the contents of the mailbox.
Note: Delegates are the users that have been assigned permissions on other’s mailbox or groups.

Points to Consider before assigning Permissions

  • User must know how to access Exchange Management Shell in On-Premises Exchange Organization.
  • Users need to have full rights required to manage permissions for recipients such as assigning Send as Permissions.

How to Configure Send as Permissions Exchange 2016

The steps needed to be carried out for assigning Send as Permissions in Exchange 2016 are:

  • Using Exchange Management Shell
    The first method involves using Add-AdPermission and Remove-AdPermission commands in Exchange Management Shell to manage Send as Permission for the mailboxes. The following commands will be used: Add Permission Command - Configure Send as permissions

    1. Identity -> The Name and DistinguishedName value of the mailbox or group that needs to be entered by user.
      Name: It may or may not be same as display name.
      DistinguishedName: Always contains a Name value & uses Active Directory LDAP syntax
      Get-Recipient command can be used to determine these values for a mailbox or group like for example:
      Get Recipient - Configure Send as permissions
    2. AccessRights ExtendedRight: The part of command that is optional as the permissions can be assigned with or without it.
      Example: For assigning ‘Send as Permissions’ to an IT Support on the mailbox named IT Department.
      Configure Send as permissions
  • Using Exchange Admin Center
    The second method will use Exchange Admin Center (EAC) to setup send as permissions in Exchange 2016 using the steps below:

    1. Log in to the EAC and navigate to Recipients->Mailboxes
    2. Select the desired mailbox/group for which you want to assign Send As permissions.
    3. Click on Plus button to add any users to which permissions needs to be assigned

Way to Verify the Permission Assigned

  • Go to EAC, check the presence of delegates in the mailbox or group properties by clicking on Mailbox/Group
    Delegation->Send As.
  • Execute the following command to verify the presence of delegate in Exchange Management Shell:
    Configure Send as permissions
    Note: Value for the MailboxOrGroupNameOrDN parameter is name of the mailbox/group.


In the blog, we have discussed about how user can assign Send as Parameters to configure the mailbox or group in Exchange 2016 making them send the messages like mailbox owner. It has explained two methods to configure Send as Permissions Exchange 2016 either by using Exchange Admin Center or Exchange Management Shell.