Create Room Mailbox In Exchange Server 2016 Using PowerShell

Anuraag Singh | Modified: August 3, 2016 | Exchange Server 2016, General Info | 3 Minutes Reading

Hello Guys In this article we are going to discuss about how to create room mailbox in exchange server. Many Organizations use this feature of Exchange Server for better management of important time of employees and the resources of Organization.
Room mailbox plays an important role in an Organization. It is also called the resource mailboxes. Room mailboxes are created for any physical location like Any Auditorium, Conference Room, Training Hall etc. Room mailboxes are booked by users or user mailboxes for a specific time slot. For example: User can book Room mailbox for meeting of two hours.
For creation of room mailboxes you should have assigned specific permissions. You can check all available permissions in Exchange Server 2016 by going through this link:

Create Room Mailbox using Shell Command

Execute below mentioned command to create room mailbox in exchange database:
New-Mailbox -Database "DB1" -Name AuditoriumMain - -DisplayName "Main Auditorium" -Room
DB1 is Exchange Database in which New Room Mailbox resides
AuditoriumMain is New Room Mailbox name
Main Auditorium is the display name of Room mailbox

Check Room Mailbox using PowerShell

Run below command to check the created room mailbox:
Get-Mailbox AuditoriumMain | FL Name,RecipientTypeDetails,PrimarySmtpAddress

Check Room Mailbox using Exchange Admin Center

To check room mailbox go to Exchange Admin Center then click on Recipient and then Resources. Now here you can see then newly created mailbox in the list of mailboxes. You can also select mailbox type as Room.

Create Room List

Room List is a good feature of Exchange Server 2016, which allow you to manage Room Mailboxes, if you have created more than 100 room mailboxes. Room List allow to you to manage category wise mailboxes. One Room List contains specific type of Room Mailboxes. Suppose In a University there are more than 25 Conference room but in an specific block like Block 10, there are only 5 Conference rooms. In this case all five conference room mailboxes can be assigned to a Room List.
Lets see the commands to create a Room List:
New-DistributionGroup -Name "Block 10 Conference Rooms" -OrganizationalUnit "" -RoomList
Block 10 Conference is the name of New Room List

Assign a Room to a Room List

Run below command in Exchange Mangaement Shell (EMS) or PowerShell for assigning a room mailbox to a room list.
Add-DistributionGroupMember -Identity "Block 10 Conference Rooms" -Member
Block 10 Conference Rooms is the name of Room List is the ID of a particular Room Mailbox which are being assigned to Block 10 Conference Room.


In this Article we have discussed about how to create room mailbox In exchange server 2016 using PowerShell Commands. I also described about the importance of Room Mailboxes and Room List and how they are liked with each other. We also discussed the commands to create a room list and assign a room mailbox to a room list. You can change room mailbox properties according to the need of Organization.